On Thursday, members of the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office, Evansville Police and an Indiana State Trooper assigned to the U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force, were sent to a home at 820 E. Riverside Drive.
Their intent was to locate and serve a warrant on Cody Sargent, who was wanted on a parole violation, which stemmed from a criminal conviction of dealing in narcotics.
Sargent hid in the home at that address and attempted to avoid capture.
At one point he tried climbing up the fireplace chimney to make good an escape.
When he reached a point about three-quarters of the way up he became lodged in the chimney and could not break free.
Police called the fire department for help, and firefighters took part of the chimney apart and rescued Sagent, who was treated for non-life-threatening injuries and arrested without further incident.
He’s in the Vanderburgh County Jail without bond.