In 49 states, they’re just ridiculous…but this is Indiana. These laws somehow made their way into state legislature and are the most abnormal rules around. Big fan of fishing? Better have a fishing pole. Want a cold soda at a liquor store? Not in this state, buddy. Here are a few laws that actually exist in the state of Indiana.
1. It is illegal to fish with your bare hands. (IC 14-22-9-1)
Ever heard of ‘noodling‘? It’s a popular trend for outdoor enthusiasts to fish with no equipment except their arms. Mainly used for catfishing, a person inside the state lines of Indiana will break this law if they catch a fish with their hands instead of using tools deemed appropriate by the state government. So no noodling on this side of the Ohio River. Or Wabash. Or any body of Hoosier water for that matter.

sablin /
2. It is illegal to sell cold soda and cold water in a liquor store. (IC 7.1-3-10-5)
Ever wonder why you only see soda on the shelves in a liquor store and not in the fridge? For some reason, it’s illegal to keep cold sodas inside the liquor store. It’s not shocking, considering it took over 200 years just to sell alcohol on Sunday’s in this state until 2018.

Kiro.iv /
3. It is illegal to coast down a hill in neutral. (IC 9-21-8-44)
Saving gas money? Not in this state, buster. Better hope a Hoosier officer of the law doesn’t see you put your car in neutral in a down grade, otherwise that could land you with a ticket…or even jail time. Why? Beats me…but follow the rules.

Nomadsoul1 /
4. No person shall possess a laser pointer on city property in Evansville (Evansville Code of Ordinances 9.15.020)
Check your laser pointer at the door next time you go into the city. This is an old law, because the law states they are banned from places like Roberts Stadium and Mesker Amphitheater. However, the law is the law so don’t walk in the Victor Theater, Ford Center, or any other place owned by the city with one.

License agreement:
5. You can get out of paying for a dependent’s medical care by praying for them (IC 35-46-6-1-5)
This seems…unorthodox. Normally, you would want to try to pay for your dependent’s medical care, but if you were inclined to tell a judge your prayers will do the healing, you could be exempt of payments. Not saying prayers wouldn’t work, but maybe talk to a doctor as well…just in case.

VadimVasenin /
Indiana sure has some weird rules around here…but hopefully now you can follow the law and not get a ticket!